
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq - (English)

This book is a try to introduce the biography of the Companion Abu Bakr in a simple way. It shows ancestry and attributes, his life before Islam, his acceptance of Islam, his migration to Madinah and his different attitude after the prophet’s death.


What Is Islam? - (English)

This is a simple book shows the various aspects of Islam such as the pillars of Islam and faith along with many other aspects.


Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah: The Best Way to Introduce the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, Is through His Own Sayings - (English)

A book translated into English talks about the life story of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It sheds the light on statements of contemporary figures in Western society who spoke favorably of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention).


Christianity at Glance and Refuting Its Belief - (English)

An article intends to provide a general view of Christianity and spots light on its doctrines like the trinity, the Bible, crucifixion, divinity, original sin, resurrection, and salvation. In addition, it presents tools that would help in refuting some of its corrupted beliefs.


Most Certainly There Is a God - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Imam Ismail Musa Menk who is known as "Mufti Menk," the grand mufti of Muslims in Zimbabwe, refutes the call to atheism and clarifies the doctrines of monotheism in Islam.


Islam in Brief - (English)

A brief presentation in English introduces Islam in the way of questions and answers in different aspects, especially questions raised by non-Muslims.


Prophet Muhammad in the Bible - (English)

A brief presentation in English mentions some of the Biblical verses that indicate to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as in a verse in Deuteronomy which talks about the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and another prophet which is Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings....


The Message of Jesus Christ - (English)

A brief presentation in English shows the real message that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, based on the Bible and the Quran.


Discover the Truth - (English)

A brief presentation in English introduces Islam as a way of life that is embraced by one-fifth of the world’s population regardless of their diverse nationalities, cultures, and races. It mentions the doctrines and teachings of Islam.


Why I Chose Islam? - (English)

A book in English in which the author relates the journey and story of a priest and how he embraced Islam. The priest said in the beginning, "I was born to staunch Catholic Christian parents. Even from my youngest days, my father sometimes took me along with him when he....


A Mercy to a Universe - (English)

A great book about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which shows how his mercy embraces all beings: humans and jinns, believers and disbelievers, friends and enemies, women and girls, orphans, children, weak people, widows, poor people, students of knowledge, prisoners, the sick and animals. Before that, it mentions....


Actions Are But By Intention - (English)

In this lecture, Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedi explains the hadith, "Actions are but by intentions and every man will have only that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some....