
The Night Journey and the Ascension - (English)

A book in English relates this story from the beginning to the end, which was a test for both Muslims and non-Muslims at that time. It also provides the readers with some details about the Prophet Muhammad’s early life.


Islam: The Moderate Religion - (English)

A book in English confirms that Allah - the Most-High - preserved Islam by preserving its two sources, the Quran and the Sunnah. To make this preservation perfect, we have to warn against the deviating sects and misguiding people that divided this nation, neglected the Prophetic tradition, and deliberately added....


Virtues of Ramadan - (English)

“Virtues of Ramadan” is a series in which Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the following aspects of Ramadan month: (1) Its importance, (2) Its benefits, and (3) Its overall activities and virtues.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 30) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick presents a brief recap of all the activities of this blessed month.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 29) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick emphasized using the remaining days of Ramadan through seeking forgiveness and supplicating Allah.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 28) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance of Ramadan and how we have gained the reward of Allah.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 27) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained that the month of Ramadan ends with eid al-fitr which is a celebration at the end of this blessed month. We should prepare ourselves for this great festival. He shows the rules and regulations of performing its prayer and the importance of....


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 26) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance of zakah al-fitr. He clarifies who should pay it, how much they should pay, when they should pay, whom should they pay, and how we should control our wealth.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 25) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the rules of repentance and how a person should repent to his Lord in the light of the Quran and Sunnah.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 24) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance and reward of repentance and seeking Allah's forgiveness. He confirms that Allah knows everything that happens in this world and in Hereafter.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 23) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance and virtues of Islamic knowledge.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 22) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick clarifies the importance and benefits of having piety in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. Life in this world is very short so we have to prepare ourselves to face Allah on the day of Judgment.