
Explanation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an - (English)

Explanation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an


Discover Islam - (English)

A page contains several items that introduce Islam in English.


Islam: A Brief Treatise on Islam according to the Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah (Sign Language) - (English)

A book in English in sign language provides a brief introduction to Islam. It illustrates its most essential pillars, teachings, and beauties drawn from its original sources, namely the Noble Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah. This book is addressed to all Muslims and non-Muslims in their languages at all times....


The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran - (English)

Three-part series in English mention the Quranic verses about Prophet Jesus and his virgin mother Mariam. It includes her birth, childhood, personal qualities, and the miraculous birth of the Prophet Jesus. It explores the life of the Prophet Jesus, his message, miracles, and his disciples. It also indicates the Quranic....


A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages - (English)

A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages


Selected books and Websites in English language - (English)

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