
The Importance of Prayer - (English)

Prayer is a unique training and developmental program which, if well and devotedly performed, can achieve for a Muslim many valuable spiritual, physical, and ethical gains.


The True Status of Women in Islam - (English)

The veil and its meaning in Islam and the Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance towards women.


Obligatory Charity: Purifying Wealth - (English)

The benefits of Zakat and who receives it.


Prayer in Islam - (English)

How and why Muslims pray.


The Wisdom behind the Postures and Phrases of Prayer - (English)

Confirming the importance of the postures of prayer and looking at the importance of the words and phrases we use.


The Prophet and Polygamy - (English)

1-An analysis of the major reasons Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives. : A model for humanity and the preservation of knowledge. 2-A rejection of false traditions and tribal alliances.


Why Pork is Forbidden in Islam ? - (English)

1-God allows us to enjoy all the good lawful things and forbids us to partake of those things that are harmful to our beliefs, health, well being, or morals. 2-Pigs harbour bacterial diseases, parasites, and viruses.


Crime and Punishment in Islam - (English)

:A five-part article talking about 1-A detailed discussion about the regulations Islam has set in regards to dealing with crime in society. Part 1: Introduction and the Islamic approach to combating crime. 2-A detailed discussion about the regulations Islam has set in regards to dealing with crime in society. Part....


The Economic System of Islam - (English)

1-An introduction to the principles Islam has legislated to guide the economic system of society. Part 1: The sources from which the laws that guide economical activity are derived. 2-The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity and the general principles by which they are guided


The Basics of the Political System in Islam - (English)

In understanding the concept of government in Islam, one needs to first understand the nature of the religion. This article explains how fundamental beliefs of Islam play a pivotal role in the system of governance. Part 1: The separation of ‘church and state.’


Personal Hygiene - (English)

1-The importance of personal hygiene in Islam. 2-Five natural ways of personal hygiene taught by Islam.


Dealing with Grief in Islam - (English)

1-Why do bad things happen according to the Quran? 2-Suffering is a means of purifying oneself. 3-Testing the believers through adversity. 4-The tested one is in the company of the righteous. 5-So how should we deal with grief?