
Why man should recognise God? - (English)

Every building has a builder; therefore through common sense and logic, the whole of creation must have a creator. Surely this universe and all that exists within it did not come about without a great designer behind it. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an "Verily in the creation of the....


Three Prophets - One Message - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green talks about the three final prophets sent to people. He shows who they were and whether they had the same or different messages. The world today has three major religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. In this lecture, he confirmed that all....


PARADISE The Abode for Those Who followed the Prophet - (English)

This is a very important lecture which gives glimpse of paradise and how to enter the paradise. A glance at the nature of Paradise as described in the Quran and the saying of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him.


Those who Desire Paradise - (English)

Share this video with all your friends. For those who really want to know a little more about next life and have asked them self the question "what will happen to me when I die?" then you might want to watch this show. We should work hard to gain the....


What Are your Priorities in LIFE? - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Bilal Assad ponders on the topic of ‘ What are your Priorities in Life’ in which he explains the importance of this life and the life after death. This life for us is a dream and the next life is a reality. Our priorities in life....


Does Allah Love us? - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Muhammad Al-Shareef discuss on the topic of “ Does Allah Love us” , the things we should do to make Allah happy.


The Path to Paradise - (English)

In this lecture shaikh Omar talks on topic of “The Path to Paradise” this is a reminder on the path to Jannah, this is the unique path on which people will be successful if they follow it correctly.


Muhammad’s peace be upon him Mercy - (English)

This is a great talk about Muhammad’s Mercy, Allah’s Messenger was the kindest of men in the same way as he excelled all others in courage and valour. Being extremely kind-hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity.


The Historical Jesus - (English)

In this lecture, Khalid Yasin talks about the Historical Jesus and gives one a better understanding of the true Jesus (peace be upon him).


Love and loyalty for Allah and his Messenger - (English)

In this lecture, Shaykh Khalid Yasin gives various examples of great companions who demonstrated true love and loyalty to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). Whether it was through their personal lives, families or wealth, their sacrifices are amazing, leaving the viewer wondering just how much we truly....


The Truth about Jesus - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green told that Prophet Jesus is a figure common to both Muslims and Christians. Sh. Abdurrahim Green confirmed he was searching for the truth about Prophet Jesus for many years. In this presentation, he objectively clarifies many misconceptions about Prophet Jesus (peace....


Passion of Jesus, Son of Mary - (English)

An excellent lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green talks about Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). He sheds light on some Christian matters such as the trinity, original sin, and the alleged death and resurrection of Prophet Jesus. The information mentioned in this lecture is mostly from Christian....