
The Path to Paradise - (English)

In this lecture shaikh Omar talks on topic of “The Path to Paradise” this is a reminder on the path to Jannah, this is the unique path on which people will be successful if they follow it correctly.


Mercy of Allah Through Our Parents - (English)

This is a great and important lecture which deals with the rights of parents and the pleasure of our parents is with us. How we should behave with our parents specially when they are older. Obeying our parents and entering into paradise is must for every good Muslim. The relationships....


Fair Dinkum Muslim - (English)

This is a very important and very interested lecture by Bilal Assad in which he talks about the true, honest or the guanine Muslim, every muslim must be true, a fair Dinkum muslim. Islam commands us to practice the true teachings.


Modesty and a Sound Heart in the Last Days - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Abdullah Hakim talks on the topic of “Modesty and a Sound Heart in the Last Days” a very important and interesting lecture.


The Etiquettes of Ramadan - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Bilal Assad talks on the topic of ‘ The Etiquettes of Ramadan’ in which he explains the importance of Ramadan and fasting. Ramadan the Month of Forgiveness and blessings from Allah, Muslims shouldn’t miss this great opportunity.


Actions Speaks Louder than Words - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green warns people against speaking without a prior thinking.