
Meaning of the word ISLAM - (English)

An episode in English in which Sh. Abderrahim Green shows the meaning of Islam, mentions its virtues, and confirms that Islam provides us with a comprehensive methodology for individuals and societies so that we get Allah's blessings and avoid his punishment in the hereafter.


The True Message of Jesus Christ - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Bilal Philips explains the real message and religion which Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Quran.


Islam at Crossroads - (English)

An episode in English in which Sh. Abderrahim Green shows the virtues of Islam and mentions why bad things happen to good people?


Was Muhammad Really a Prophet? - (English)

An episode in English in which Sh. Abderrahim Green confirms answer the following questions: Was Muhammad really a prophet? In this video, he will look at the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in an analytical and rational way.


Sharia Law - (English)

An episode in English in which Sh. Abderrahim Green confirms that people have heard and read terrible things about Islamic sharia but they are supposed to be open minded and give Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video will shed some light on Islamic sharia for the....


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (15) Signs of the Last Days - (English)

The fifteenth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he clarifies what is meant by the hour’s sings, for the belief in the Last Day is one of the pillars of Islamic faith. Allah does not....


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (14) Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad - (English)

The fourteenth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he indicates some prophecies that Prophet Muhammad had mentioned and they were later fulfilled. Afterwards, he tells how to differentiate between prophecies and miracles.


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (13) Prophet Muhammad in the Bible - Part 2 - (English)

The thirteenth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he resumes and mentions some Biblical glad tidings of Prophet Muhammad’s advent as in Deuteronomy in which Prophet Moses talks about advent of another prophet. Then Sh.....


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (12) Prophet Muhammad in the Bible - Part 1 - (English)

The twelfth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he mentions some Biblical glad tidings of Prophet Muhammad’s advent as in Deuteronomy in which Prophet Moses talks about advent of another prophet. Then Sh. Abdurahim Greens....


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (11) Witness of the People of the Book - (English)

The eleventh episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he mentions two testimonies from non-Muslims that prove that Islam is the true revelation from Allah, the Almighty.


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (10) Historical Facts - (English)

The tenth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he presents some amazing historical facts that the Quran mentioned, which proves that it is the true revelation from Allah, the Almighty.


The Proof That Islam Is the Truth: (9) Scientific Facts in the Quran - Part 2 - (English)

The ninth episode of the series of "The Proof That Islam Is The Truth" delivered in English by Sh. Abdurahim Green in which he resumes and mentions some scientific facts mentioned in the Quran, which indicates that the Quran is the true revelation from Allah to His Prophet Muhammad (may....