
Who Is Muhammad - (English)

A book in English talks about Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who is beloved by more than 1.2 billion Muslims. He is the man who taught us patience in the face of adversity and to live in this world but seek eternal life in....


The Civilized Principles in the Prophet’s Biography - (English)

A book translated into English to face the phenomenon of insulting Islam and Muslims and debasing their sacred symbols, rituals, and legislations. This comes in the form of systemized fierce campaigns led by politicians and religious scholars supported by the media.


The Prophet’s Personality - (English)

A book in English confirms that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a great man. He built up this greatness through his confidence and steadiness in his principles. He was of good manners and fair deeds with all people; enemies and friends. In addition,....


Respond to the Suspicion of Hijab and the Clothes of the Muslim Woman - (English)

A book in English confirms that some people may consider the issue of the Muslim woman’s dress sounds trivial but the Islamic legislations are related to all life's fields: moral, social, and legal. One basic requirement to be a true believer according to the Quran is to make one’s opinions,....


The Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Husband - (English)

A wonderful short video in English that provides Islam's view of women by explaining some situations of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with his wives and family members.


A Message to Who Does Not Believe in Prophet Muhammad - (English)

A book in English that neither aims to answer ignorant or hostile critics nor recounts praises of our Prophet as countless Muslim authors do so eloquently over centuries. Rather, it is to present facts that are based on historically verified sources and then leave the reader to make his own....


Marriage Story - (English)

A lecture in English briefly presents a scientific and historical response to the slander raised about the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to our mother Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her).


Steadfastness of Prophet Muhammad in Calling to Allah - (English)

A short video in English which shows how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) faced all temptations presented by Quraysh tribe to discourage him from calling to Allah, but he was steadfast though in front of all of them all.


Predictions about the Last Sent Prophet - (English)

A useful book in English in which the author mentions the predictions about the Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the Bible (Old and New Testaments) and Psalm along with some other related issues.


Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan - (English)

Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan


Altruism and Regard for Others - (English)

This brief video explains the meaning of Altruism, its manners, its attributes and its importance which Islam has emphasised on; the perfect altruism of the earliest Muslim society is a unique example for later generations.


Quran & Science: (3) Insects & Skins - (English)

Three episodes in English briefly handle the issue of the miracles mentioned in the Quran fourteen centuries ago but have been only discovered in the modern age by modern science. This proves undoubtedly the credibility of Prophet Muhammad that the noble Quran is from Allah, the Almighty. The first episode....