
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [09] About rukya and talismans and About one who seeks barakah from a tree, a stone etc - (English)

Explanation of Book of Monotheism [09] About rukya and talismans and About one who seeks barakah from a tree, a stone etc.: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic....


Beseeching Allah by Virtue of the Status of the Awliya and the Righteous - (English)

An article in English shows the Islamic perspective of tawassul (beseeching or begging), clarifies some types of polytheism, and urges people to ask and supplicate Allah alone. This pamphlet is electronically suitable to be published on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter or be printed out and distributed....


Words about Intercession, Foreboding, Asking Blessing and Amulets - (English)

An article in English contains the following points about intercession: Definition, people categories, types, conditions, and models. It also defines pessimism, seeking people's blessing, and amulet.