
The Truth about Jesus - (English)

A book in English in which Sh. Manea Al-Juhany discusses the following aspects of Christianity: (1) Mariam, the Virgin, (2) Glad tiding about Jesus' birth, (3) Why Christians claim that Jesus is the son of Allah, (4) Jesus' mission, (5) Being raised to heavens, and (6) His claimed crucifixion.


Prophet Jesus - (English)

Prophet Jesus Muslims believe in Jesus as a very respectful Messenger. To them, he is referred to as one of the Messengers of the Strong Will who was supported by many great miracles such as bringing the dead back to life and healing the blind and the leper. The life....


Jesus Christ: A Messenger of Allah? - (English)

A lecture in English in which Dr. Ali Muhammad Salah talks about Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), mentions his miracles, and answers whether he is a son of God - the Almighty - or just a prophet sent from Him. He explains the function of the prophets and briefly....


The Miracles of Jesus - (English)

A look at some of the miracles of Jesus mentioned in the Quran, with a brief comparison with Christian sources.


Jesus Is Not God, Son of God, Nor Equal to God - (English)

A lecture in English in which Mr. Mujtaba Hussain Siddiqui (Mr. Imran), the President of Islamic Research and Educational Foundation, shows who Prophet Jesus really is.


The Return of Jesus - (English)

:This article consists of five parts, which 1-Similarities and differences about the second coming of Jesus between Christians and Muslims. The Messiah at the end of times according to Judaism. 2- The prophecies and portents in Islam of the descent of Jesus in the Quran and the prophetic narrations. 3-The....


Jesus: A Prophet of God - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English handles some issues about the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) such as his miracles, prestige in Islam, message, and the misconceptions about his divinity.


Jesus and Christianity in the Perspective of Islam - (English)

A book in English shows the prestige and nature of Mariam, the Virgin, and his son Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them) in the Islamic perspective to refute the misconceptions about them raised by some doctrines.


Jesus in Islam - (English)

1- The first of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Jesus: Part 1: His birth and miracles. 2- The second of a three part article discussing the Islamic concept of Jesus: Part 2: The question of his divinity and mission. 3-The final part of a three-part article discussing....


Jesus Christ - Son of God? - (English)

1-An examination of the concept that Jesus is the son of God from Christian sources. The meaning of the term “Son of God” in the Old and New Testament. 2- A look at the orginal Greek and Hebrew words translated to “son”.


Jesus: An Islamic View - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English clarifies the nature of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in Islam. He is just a human who does not have any divine nature as Christians believe.


Answering Those Who Altered the Religion of Jesus Christ - (English)

An audio series in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains a book authored by Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah that entitled, "The Correct Response to Those Altered the Religion of Jesus.” Sheikh Al-Islam authored this book because of a book that came from Cyprus contains proofs that Christian scholars adhere to prove their....