
The Islamic Faith: A Simplified Presentation - (English)

A short and simple book in English in which the author has endeavored to present to us what the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) maintained in the most serious area of Islam, the Islamic faith. He explains the six pillars of....


Omar ibn Al-Khattab - (English)

This book is a try to introduce the biography of the Companion Omar ibn Al-Khattab in a simple way. It shows his ancestry and attributes, his life before Islam, his acceptance of Islam, revelation of the Quran agreeing with his opinions and his life as a caliph.


Abu Bakr As-Siddiq - (English)

This book is a try to introduce the biography of the Companion Abu Bakr in a simple way. It shows ancestry and attributes, his life before Islam, his acceptance of Islam, his migration to Madinah and his different attitude after the prophet’s death.


Doctrines of the Twelver Shiite (Enquiry and Response) - (English)

A book translated into English provides the reader with brief questions and answers on the most important doctrines of Shiites of the twelve imams.


Rejectionist Shia Series - (English)

Lectures in English in which Sh. Saleh As-Saleh explains the Shia faith on the Quran, Sunnah, monotheism, etc.


Shiites, Shiism, and Islam - (English)

1- A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam, with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part One: Belief in God. 2-A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam, with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part Two: The Testimony or Declaration....


Shiism and Islam - (English)

Two articles in English in which the author explains the contradiction between the Shia sect and Islamic law and mentions some examples through their doctrine. In this research, the author shows the stance of the Shia on the testimony of monotheism, previous revealed books, the Quran, and prophethood, in addition....


What the Shiites Say About the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) - (English)

What the Shiites Say About the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him)


The Difference between the Shee’ah and the Muslims - (English)

An important book in English shows the corrupt belief of Shi’ites in which its author wrote in his introduction, " The purpose of this pamphlet is to present a brief idea about the religious issues that the Shee'ah scholars have disagreed upon with the majority of Muslim scholars. It is....


Ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis [ shia ] and the sacrifices which are offered on these occasions - (English)

Shaikh Bin Baz answer this question: What is the ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis and the things that are done there such as slapping and scratching the cheeks, wailing, rending one’s garments and beating oneself, sometimes with chains, whilst calling upon the dead and the noble Ahl al-Bayt....


Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs - (English)

An important book shows the corrupt belief of Shi’ites. The author said in his introduction, “I wrote this book for a number of reasons including (1) The increased efforts of the Shi’ites to spread their ideology in the Muslim world, (2) The danger of this deviant sect poses on Islam,....


The Prophet’s family and His Companions : a relationship of love and kinship - (English)

These twenty posters vigorously proclaim the love and kinship shared by the Prophet’s family and the Companions, with shining proofs and flawless evidence that the Prophet’s family and his Companions were «compassionate among themselves » in the words of Allah, Most High. Indeed, they are the best generation of all,....