
Sciences in Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English proves that Islam is the true religion by stating some scientific facts mentioned in the Quran fourteen centuries ago such as the origin of life, human embryonic development, expansion of the universe, and sending the iron from outside the earth.


Islam and Science - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Bilal Philips in which he shows the relationship between religion and science, scientific topics relating to Islam, and scientific miracles in Islam.


Islam and the Discoveries of Modern Science As one of the testaments and proofs that Muhammad (salutations and peace of Allaah be upon him) was a prophet and messenger - (English)

Stunning scientific facts that the Noble Qur’an and the illustrious Prophetic Hadeeth informed us of over 1400 years ago, at a time when no one had even the slightest knowledge of such facts. Then comes modern scientific discoveries confirming their accuracy and authenticity, thereupon becoming one of the testaments and....