
The Purity in Islam - (English)

The Purity in Islam


Purity and Purification - (English)

A Muslim believer is constantly cleansing and purifying himself, both his heart and his body. Here is a brief summary discussing physical purity and ritual purity, which is required for certain acts of worship. It includes fiqh rulings pertaining to impure substances, to ghusl, wudhū’, tayammum, menstruation and other related....


A Study on Ablution, Bathing, Dry Ablution (Tayammum) and Prayer - (English)

This is a summarized study according to the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah on ablution (ritual purification with water), Ghusl (bathing), Tayammum (dry ablution) and some rulings concerning prayer.


How to Perform Ablution - (English)

This is a simple poster shows how to perform ablution through illustrating images.


Cleanliness - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Bilal Philips in which he explains the meaning and virtue of spiritual and physical purity in Islam.


How to perform wudu' (ablution)? (a complete guide of wudu') - (English)

It is a mean to be purified from #sins and misdeeds. The Muslims are to be summoned on the Day of Resurrection with white faces, hands and feet from the marks of wudu'. The prayer of a capable #believer is not valid except with wudu'. The greatest concern of a....


Description of Ablutions - (English)

A short lecture consecutively translated into English in which Sh. Dr. Haitham Sarhan describes the ablutions practically, clarifying its obligatory and recommended acts and warning against some common mistakes that some may do during ablutions.


Things that necessitate bathing - (English)

Things that necessitate bathing


Ritual bathing - (English)

Ritual bathing


Taharah and Salah - (English)

A book in English in which the author mentions some jurisprudential rules for purity and prayer in Islam.


Rules of Purification and Prayers - (English)

A book in English shows how Islam took care of the purity of a Muslim, how to remove impurities, what to do in the cases of necessity, along with some related matters of purification.


Rules of Menstruation, Istihada, and Post-natal Bleeding - (English)

An episode in English of the illustrated fiqh of worship series shows the rules, conditions, and etiquette of menstruation, istihadhah (irregular bleeding), and post-natal bleeding in the Islamic fiqh.