
Discovering the Truth - (English)

A book in English that takes us on a journey of knowledge and penetrating insights to the destination of ultimate truth and reality in a rational and logical way.


How do Muslims view death ? - (English)

A brief explanation of how Muslims view death by Omar Suleiman.


The Destroyer of Pleasures - (English)

A short influential video in English reminds us about death and how to prepare ourselves for it.


An Authentic Selection from Imam Al-Qurtubi’s At-Tadhkirah - (English)

A summarized translated version of the Book "At-Tadhkirah" (The Reminder) written by Imam Qurtuby in which he confirms that death is not the absolute end. It is just the discontinuation of unity between the body and soul, a change from one state to another, and a transition from this present....


Benefitting the Dead - (English)

An article in English taken from the sixth chapter of the Book "Funeral Rules" written by Sh. Bilal Philips. In this article, he clarifies the matters that benefit the dead after his moving to the hereafter, without being able to do any more righteous act. These matters like: Making duaa....


Do the Deceased Benefit from Those Who are Alive? - (English)

regarding this statement from (Aqeedah at-Tahwiyah): ‘The deceased would benefit from the Du’aa of the deceased and from their Sadaqah.’.........


The Soul’s Journey After Death - (English)

This important book covers an area about which most people have very little knowledge but which is at the same time, of vital interest to all human beings. It outlines what happens to the human soul from the moment of death until the arrival of the Day of Judgement.