
Effective ways of reforming the youth and their circumstances at the present time - (English)

Effective ways of reforming the youth and their circumstances at the present time


An advice for the youth to hasten in getting married - (English)

An advice for the youth to hasten in getting married


Paradise and the Sad Death of a Young Boy - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Deen Show" in which Sh. Shady As-Suleiman gives us a description of Paradise and Hellfire. He also tells us about the death of Mr. Sanel, the young boy who passed away on the same day this interview was held.


The Challenges facing Muslim youth in the Millennium - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Abdullah Hakim talks on the topic of “The Challenges facing Muslim youth in the Millennium” a very informative and interesting lecture.


Racism and Youth Issues - (English)

In this lecture, Khalid Yasin addresses problems within the Muslim community such as youth out of control, racism and similar related issues.


Futility of Passion - (English)

I present this book in your hands which contains some of life experiences and situations and I am trying to introduce a specific concept which is that the first step in the process of change towards what is better starts from ourselves, for what is happening now is totally the....


O My Child! You’ve Become an Adult - (English)

A book in English that shows the problems that the youth face in their early life, in an interesting conversational manner. The author mentions the question then its answer based on the Quranic verses and Prophetic tradition along with sayings of scholars and doctors.


A Model for a Muslim Youth in the Story of Joseph - (English)

A book in English explains the story of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) to deduce the lessons and benefits from it.


Choosing Friends Wisely - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Salem Morgan in which he explains the points that one should consider in choosing his friends.


Seeking Good Companions - (English)

The value of good friends.


The Prophets Guidance When Interacting with Children and the Youth - (English)

The Prophets Guidance When Interacting with Children and the Youth