
Ruling on slaughtering for the sake of others than Allah and types of slaughter - (English)

Ruling on slaughtering for the sake of others than Allah and types of slaughter


Ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis [ shia ] and the sacrifices which are offered on these occasions - (English)

Shaikh Bin Baz answer this question: What is the ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis and the things that are done there such as slapping and scratching the cheeks, wailing, rending one’s garments and beating oneself, sometimes with chains, whilst calling upon the dead and the noble Ahl al-Bayt....


Alcohol - (English)

Two articles in English in which the author mentions some Islamic texts that discuss the issue of intoxicants and show their adverse effects as understood by statistics across the world.


Why Do Muslims Eat Halal Meat? - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest medical Dr. Muhammad Khan shows why Muslims eat halal (permissible) meat. It is unbelievable to see how these animals submit when Muslims mention Allah’s word over them.


I Used to Love Pork and Bacon But Now I Am a Muslim Who Loves Islam - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Mr. Keenan Penson relates his story of being a Muslim. He found peace, happiness, and more love in Islam than he ever had in life before.


Why Pork is Forbidden in Islam ? - (English)

1-God allows us to enjoy all the good lawful things and forbids us to partake of those things that are harmful to our beliefs, health, well being, or morals. 2-Pigs harbour bacterial diseases, parasites, and viruses.


Extravagance in Food Supplies - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Mahmoud Reda Murad shows some wrong habits followed by some Muslims regarding buying foods in Ramadan. He also mentions briefly some advantages of Ramadan.


War on Drugs Began 14 Centuries Ago - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Bilal Philips explains the danger of drugs and intoxicants on individuals and societies. He stressed that drugs are more forbidden than intoxicants and asked those dealing in these matters to return and repent to Allah.


Harmful Nature of Pigs and Impermissible Foods - (English)

A lecture in English in which Dr. Bilal Philips confirms that the harms of the swine are so obvious and that it inclines to eat filth foods by nature so we cannot change its behavior. Afterwards, he shows that Allah, the Almighty, could not forbid us from the beneficial but....


The Prohibition of Pork: A Scientific Proof - (English)

A short article in English shows the modern science’s attitude towards eating the flesh of the pork and its dangers which were only known after discovery of the microscope. This is counter to the advanced countries’ claims of the possibility of purging it through modern techniques which make the prohibition....


Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll - (English)

A lecture in English in which the lecturer shows the dangers of some prohibited acts such as fornication, listening to music, and having drugs.


Jurisprudences of halal food ,FIQH - (English)

Jurisprudences of halal food ,FIQH