
Fasting Is Protection - (English)

A book translated into English contains the following five chapters about fasting: Statements from the Quran prescribed fasting, fasting definition and prescription, virtues of fasting and traits of Ramadan, types of fasting, and fasting requirements and issues.


The Night of Qadr - (English)

An episode in English of the illustrated fiqh of worship series that mentions the importance of the night of qadr (decree) and its reward, according to the Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah.


Fasting: Rules and Merits - (English)

An episode in English of the illustrated fiqh of worship series that shows the merits of fasting, its rules, blessings, and reward, according to the Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah.


Dawah Preparation for Ramadan - (English)

An article in English provides our readers with all details about the dawah efforts we have to exert in the month of Ramadan towards our brothers and sisters.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 6) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the following aspects of Ramadan: (1) Its importance and rules, (2) Prophetic teachings about Ramadan, and (4) Things that invalidate fasting.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 14) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the virtues in the month of Ramadan in detail.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 22) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick clarifies the importance and benefits of having piety in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. Life in this world is very short so we have to prepare ourselves to face Allah on the day of Judgment.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 30) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick presents a brief recap of all the activities of this blessed month.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 29) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick emphasized using the remaining days of Ramadan through seeking forgiveness and supplicating Allah.


Guidance For Fasting Muslims - (English)

A small book in English in which Sh. Ibn Uthaimeen (may Allah have mercy on him) talks about how to use the month of Ramadan and achieve the maximum possible benefit in it. He talks about the spirit of the various acts of worship so that we used to perform....


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 13) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance and rules of night prayer (taraweeh).


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 5) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the reward of fasting and how one's sins are forgiven, for Ramadan is the time of great blessing, happiness, and Joy in which the fasting person feels happiness and joy and stays away from all bad actions.