ِAn article in English shows that we live in a time of excess entertainment and consumption so it is easy to get caught up in the so-called "holiday season" but we rarely stop to consider its significance. I say "so-called" because the word "holiday" is derived from the two words "holy" and "day". However, under closer scrutiny from the Judeo-Christian and Islamic perspectives, these days are anything but holy. Celebrations such as Easter, Christmas, All Saints’ Day, and Halloween, all find their roots in pagan traditions, away from the prophets' way (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all). The proof lies in the lack of historical evidence that the prophets ever celebrated their birthdays, decorated eggs, placed ornaments on trees, or dressed up in costumes. For additional examination of these holiday myths as religious innovation or heresy, we provide this article as a small attempt to warn people against the dangerous implications that come with such celebrations.