A lecture in English in which Dr. Hatem Al-Haj mentions the direct and indirect students of the four Imams. As for Imam Abu Haneefah, his direct students are such as: (1) Zufar, (2) Abu Yusuf, and (3) Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan and his indirect students are such as (1) Al-Karkhi, (2) As-Sarkhasi, and (3) At-Tahawi. As for Imam Malek, his direct students are such as (1) Ibn Al-Qasem, (2) Abdullah ibn Wahb, and (3) Al-Qanabi and his indirect students are such as (1) Al-Qurtubi, (2) Ibn Al-Arabi, and (3) Ash-Shatibi. As for Imam Ash-Shafi’i, his direct students are such as: (1) Al-Humaidi and (2) Al-Muzani and his indirect students are such as: (1) Al-Ghazali, (2) An-Nawawi, (3) Adh-Dhahabi, (4) Ibn Kathir, (5) Ibn Hajar, and (6) As-Suyuti. As for Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, his direct students are such as: (1) Ash-Shafi’i and (2) Al-Bukhari and his indirect students are such as: (1) Ibn Rajab, (2) Ibn Qudama, (3) Ibn Taimeyyah, and (4) Ibn Al-Qayyem. Also, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows the position we should take whe learning these schools of fiqh.