A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "If I want to take my son, who has not yet reached adolescence, with me to Hajj, should I dress him in ihraam clothes and do all the rituals on his behalf, such as doing tawaaf on his behalf, etc., or should I dress him in regular clothes and not do anything on his behalf since he is little and does not have to do Hajj?"

    Hajj of a minor

    حج الصغير

    « باللغة الإنجليزية »

    The Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Da'wah and Guidance

    اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء والدعوة والإرشاد

    Translation: Islam Question and Answer website

    Format: Islamhouse website

    ترجمة: موقع الإسلام سؤال وجواب
    تنسيق: موقع islamhouse

    2012 - 1433

    Hajj of a minor

    If I want to take my son, who has not yet reached adolescence, with me to Hajj, should I dress him in ihraam clothes and do all the rituals on his behalf, such as doing tawaaf on his behalf, etc., or should I dress him in regular clothes and not do anything on his behalf since he is little and does not have to do Hajj?

    Praise be to Allaah.

    If a child has reached the age of discernment but has not yet reached adolescence and his father or guardian wants to take him for Hajj, he should tell him to put on ihraam garments and the child should do all the rituals of Hajj for himself, starting with entering ihraam from the meeqaat, until the end of the actions of Hajj, and his father or guardian should stone the Jamaraat on his behalf if he cannot do that himself. He should tell him to avoid the things that are forbidden whilst in ihraam. But if the child is below the age of discernment, then his father or guardian should make the intention of entering ihraam for Hajj or 'Umrah on his behalf, and do Tawaaf and Sa'ee with him, and take him with him for all the other rituals, and stone the Jamaraat on his behalf.

    And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.