
ከታላቁ ቁርዓን የመጨረሻዎቹ <<የሶስቱ ክፍሎች>> ማብራሪያ ዋና ዋቢ ዙብደቱ ተፍሲር - (አማርኛ)

A summarized book that contains the most important matters that a Muslim needs in his life, from Quran, tafsir, fiqh rulings, beliefs, virtues ...etc. And the book is in 2 parts: The first part includes the three last Ajza of the Quran with its tafsir from "Zubdat At-Tafsir" by shaikh....


ዘካተል ፊጥር እና አፈጻጸሙ - (አማርኛ)

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