
The Declaration of Faith - (English)

The testimony of "Laa ilaaha ill-Allah", its meaning, prerequisites, conditions, and fruits.


The Ruling concerning Mawlid an-Nabawi - (English)

A book in English in which Sh. Saleh al-Fawzan enumerated several reasons behind the prohibition of celebrating the Prophetic birthday and explicitly clarified the major doubts raised up by the proponents of Mawlid. This includes the claims that: (1) This celebration is honoring the Prophet, (2) It is celebrated by....


Faith in the Angels - (English)

A book in English comprehensively covers all four aspects of the belief in angels, their existence, functions, names, and attributes. In addition, it refutes some misconceptions about Islamic monotheism such as false claims of contemporary grave-worshippers that are similar to those made by the pagan Quraish tribe during our Prophet's....


We Believe in All the Prophets and the Messengers - (English)

A book in English in which the author confirms that Allah had sent to every nation a messenger or a prophet to call them to worship Allah alone and abandon worshipping anything other than him. In this book the author shows how we should believe in Allah's prophets and messengers....


A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence - (English)

A book translated into English shows the jurisprudential rules in Islam with their proofs. It contains topics e.g. purification, prayer, zakah, fasting, pilgrimage, and jihad. Afterwards, it begins to show the other rules e.g. trade transactions, partnership, sharecropping, renting, reclamation of wastelands, possession of allowable objects, inheritance, marriage, divorce, breastfeeding,....


Ramadan Fatawa - (English)

Audios in English contain reading of the book “Fatwas of Ramadan on Fasting, Night Prayer, I’tikaf, and Zakat al-Fitr,” in which Sh. Ashraf Abdul-Maqsoud collected some fatwas of our scholars such as Sh. Ibn Taymeyya, Sh. Abu Butain, Sh. Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al Ash-Sheikh, Sh. As-Saadi, Sh. Ibn Baz, Sh.....


Celebrating the Birthday of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) - (English)

Many people celebrate their birthday, or one of their relatives. However, others worship God in celebrating the birthday of their prophet, where they have unique practices and celebrations during that day. But what is the Islamic ruling on this kind of practice.


What Should Be Done if Eid Coincides with Friday? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English which was answered by Sh. Saleh al-Fawzan. It says, "If Eid al-Fitr coincides with Friday, is it permissible for me to pray the Eid prayer and not to pray Jumu’ah or vice versa?"


Rulings on Lost Property - (English)

A fatwa in English in which Sh. Saleh ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan answers the following question, "What is the ruling on finding money on the street, is one allowed to keep it?