
Ruling on Taking Part in Some Annual Celebrations - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Muhammad ibn Hamad Al-Humood Al-Najdy answers the following question, "What is the Islamic ruling on taking part in some annual celebrations and occasions such as the International Day of the Family, the International Day for Disabled People, and the International Year of....


Washing One’s Body in Order to Cool down When in Ihraam - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "Is it permissible for the pilgrim in ihraam to wash his entire body in order to cool down?"


He Got Sick and Was Not Able to Put on the Ihraam Garments - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "My father went for Hajj last year, but he was very sick and was not able to wear the ihraam garments. What does he have to do?"


Which should he do first - go for Hajj or pay off his father’s debt? - (English)

Which takes priority, doing the obligatory (first) Hajj, or paying off one’s father’s debt?.


What Constitutes Being Able to Go for Hajj? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "What constitutes being able to go for Hajj?"


Doing Hajj and Umrah on Behalf of Another - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "Can one living here in Saudi Arabia do Umrah by the name of any person living in home country if: (1) The person is capable of coming here....


What Is the Role of Prophet Jesus (Peace Be upon Him)? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Saad ibn Abdullah Al-Humayyed answers the following question, "I would like to know what the duties and functions of Jesus as "Al-Masih" in Islam are. Many Christian anti-Islamic sites have been asking this question. It’s not that my faith is not strong,....


The Dajjaal Will Emerge at the End of Time So Why the Prophets Warned Their People about Him? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Utheimin answers the following question, "Why did the Prophets warn their people about the Dajjaal when he will not emerge until the end of time?"


What to Do at Times of Fitnah and Division - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "Are these the times which are referred to in the hadeeth of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), according to which when one of....


Solution to the Palestinian issue - (English)

A fatwa from Shaikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz who explains the solution to the Palestinian issue. He confirms that the first step on the road to the right solution is to consider the Palestinian issue an Islamic issue not only an Arab issue.


Celebrating Innovated Festivals - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "What is the Islamic ruling on celebrating festivals such as the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), children’s birthdays, Mother’s Day, Tree....


Yes, He (peace be upon him) Married Her at Age Nine - (English)

In this fatwa Dr. Hatem Al-Haj answers to a question about the Prophet Muhammad’s marriage to our mother Aisah (may Allah be pleased with her) when she was nine.