
The Islamic Faith: A Simplified Presentation - (English)

A short and simple book in English in which the author has endeavored to present to us what the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) maintained in the most serious area of Islam, the Islamic faith. He explains the six pillars of....


God across History - (English)

A very useful video answers the following questions: (1) How did humanity worship God across history? (2) What was the concept of God in ancient religions? (3) How do today’s major religions view God? (4) Is theology equally important across religious traditions?


Does God Exist? - (English)

Losing control of the steering wheel for a second on the highway is enough reason to cause a crisis. Incorrect temperature is enough reason to cause a bomb explosion. The Olympic champions know the value of the moment as the difference between glory and loss. Everything in this world has....


Just One Message - (English)

A book translated into English discusses those sincerely and honestly seeking for the true religion and refutes the Christianity creed specially believing in trinity.


The Prophet of Islam Muhammad - (English)

A book in English which is considered one of the most comprehensive and summarized pictorial books about the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It provides a broad biography and summarized information about him such as his character and personal details. In addition, it....



Among the doctrines that the followers of Jesus inherited over the centuries was the notion of ‘original sin.’ This booklet discusses the authenticity of this belief from both theoretical and logical points of view, proving that it is a man-made belief that evolved after the doctrines were mixed with Roman....


The Seerah - (English)

The Seerah


The Story of Jesus - (English)

A short video in English confirms that millions of people around the world, of different religions and cultures, love Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) but they differ about his identity: Who is he? Is he God? Is he the son of God? Is he a Messenger of God? Was....


Newton and the Trinity - (English)

A short video in English mentions the position of the English physicist Isaac Newton on the Trinity, the pinnacle of the Christian faith and shows how it entered into that belief from Newton's perspective.


How to Say the Shahada? - (English)

A short video in English confirms that converting to Islam is so easy. It explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way and gives a brief overview of Islam.


Is the Bible the Word of God? - (English)

No one can deny that Allah revealed the Torah and the Gospel to Prophets Moses and Jesus respectively. However, today, none of their followers can point to any specific version of the Old Testament or the New Testament and say definitively that it is the word of God as revealed....



This booklet sheds light on the personality of the great Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon them both), from eleven aspects. It begins by discussing his mother - Mary, the daughter of Imran, explaining her status and that of her family. In addition, it explains Jesus’ human....