This booklet sheds light on the personality of the great Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon them both), from eleven aspects. It begins by discussing his mother - Mary, the daughter of Imran, explaining her status and that of her family. In addition, it explains Jesus’ human characteristics, the reality of his message to the Children of Israel, and the story of his ascension to heaven, honored, without ever being crucified or killed. Christ Jesus will descend from heaven at the end of the world; he will break the cross, indicating the falsehood of what the Christians believe about it; he will follow the teachings of Islam and be the ruler of all Muslims until he dies. This book reveals all the doubts and problems regarding the Christian beliefs about Jesus; it is based on scientific evidence from both the New Testament and the well-known Islamic sources, namely the Qur’an and the narrations of Prophet Muhammad. It clarifies the true status of Jesus, the son of Mary; the truth of his message; that God sent Jesus to his own people, the Children of Israel, to guide them to worship only God, Who has no partner; and that Christ was a human like other prophets, not God or the son of God.