Fatwas of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Da’wah and Guidance - Chapter of Fasting : 1- Crescents, Different Sightings and Astronomical Calculation 2-Abandoning (Salah) Prayers after Completing Ramadan Fasting 3-Break Fasting in Ramadan while Traveling 4-Fasting Ramadan for Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Mothers 5-Inhaling Vapor, Showering and Hunting while Fasting 6-Fasting during Classes and Exams 7-Making up for Missed Days of Ramadan 8-Sexual Intercourse during the Daylight of Ramadan 9-What Nullifies Fasting and How to Compensate 10-When Do Plane Passengers Break Their Fasting? 11-Voluntary Fasting