A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud mentions a supplication helps us pay off our debts. In Sunan Termidhi that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported, "A slave who had made a contract with his master to pay for his freedom, came to me and said, 'I am unable to fulfill my obligation, so help me.' He said to him, 'Shall I not teach you a supplication which the Messenger of Allah taught me? It will surely prove so effective that if you have a debt as large as a huge mountain, Allah will surely pay it for you. Say. 'Allahumm-akfini bihalalika 'an haramika, wa aghnini bifadlika 'amman siwaka (O Allah! Grant me enough of what You make lawful so that I may dispense with what You make unlawful, and enable me by Your Grace to dispense with all but You.'"